Whether you are a well-established company, a new business, or an individual looking to develop a Web presence, Herman Quan Web Design and Development can provide you with a Web site that expands on your identity and affords you a competitive advantage.
Consumers are computer savvy. Purchases are researched on the Web prior to committing monies online or via more traditional brick and mortar store front. Lead them to your business by making your presence, products, and service known. Do you wish to increase your audience locally or globally? Can efficiencies be realized by automating certain business processes? We can help. Our designers and programmers ensure all of our Custom Designed Web Sites are carefully coded to increase your Search Engine placements. Make your web presence work for you. There may be multiple ways in which we can streamline your business functions online increasing efficiencies and effectiveness.
For those who want to concentrate exclusively on the advancement and expansion of their business practices, and would like to leave the Web design and development to the experts, we are available to provide ongoing web site maintenance. 
At Herman Quan Web Design and Development, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, we provide Web site solutions that expand on your corporate identity and provide you a competitive advantage. Contact us today for a free, no obligation quote on a custom Web site package to make your web presence known.
At Herman Quan Web Design & Development, located in Vancouver BC, we are committed to partnering with our clients to provide web solutions that are results orientated. By providing an extra-ordinary level of customer care, we contribute to the strategic success of our clients. Our objective is to deliver an innovative combination of web technology & professional services. We guarantee our personalized attention to every web design project, large or small.
A Web site is an integral part of business. Not only will it help your business gain global attention, adding your website address to your other marketing materials will provide prospective and current customers with more in-depth information about your business, and current promotions, all available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our Websites are designed and developed to attract your target audience while reflecting your company / organization's approach to business. Careful consideration is placed on your target market's demographics during all stages of the project. Herman Quan Web Design & Development provides professional designs adhering to modern aesthetics that are bandwidth and user friendly, as well as cross platform, and cross browser compatible. Whether it be standard HTML, more dynamic DHTML or Flash based, or fully dynamic database driven pages, we will develop an efficient and effective web presence to cater to your price point.
Contact us today for a free, no obligation quote on our custom web design services.
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